Official PSC Use Only: Member No.                Amt. Received: $                Cash        Check No.       

2024–2025 PITTSBURGH SKI CLUB Membership Application

All Fields Preceded by an Asterisk (*) are required


*Type of Member:    New Member     Renewing Member

*Type of Skier:   Downhill Skier     Cross Country Skier     Snowboarder     Want to learn     Non–Skier

Check this box if you DO NOT want to be listed in our annual membership directory.

Check this box if you want your newsletter by U.S. mail instead of e–mail for an additional $15/year.

If you wish to serve on any of the club committees, select the appropriate check box(s) below:
Program      Travel      Publicity      Membership      Hospitality      Racing


Processing the application

Annual Dues for adults 21 and over are $25. Additional adults at the same address are $15 each. Children under 21, with adult at same address, are $10 each. Memberships will be effective until May 31, 2025. The PSC By–Laws require that membership privileges be terminated unless renewal dues are received by July 31st.

To process your membership, do the following:

  • Complete the application form with up to 4 people (from the same household).
  • Click the “I’m not a robot” checkbox in the reCAPTCHA box below.
  • Press the “Submit” button below. When submitted successfully, a PayPal online payment option will display.
  • If mailing in, press the “Print” button below and sign the application form.
  • Send your completed and signed form(s) and a check for the required amount to:
    PSC Membership, 1144 Surrey Woods Rd, Bethel Park, PA. 15102
*As a PSC Member, I waive any claim against the non–profit organization known as the Pittsburgh Ski Club, its board of directors, and individual trip or event leaders for personal injury, death or property loss directly relating to trips or activities held by the Pittsburgh Ski Club. Further, as PSC members often take photos of members engaging in meetings, trips, and other avtivities, I consent to permit the publication of such photo containing my image in any PSC publication , website, or social media. If you do not consent to publication of your photo (or your childs photo)possibly being published, please refrain from participating in any photos. (please check to indicate agreement).

 (Parent/Guardian, if under 21)

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